Special Course Qualification Requirements

There are a number of special courses for old students in this tradition of Vipassana meditation practice. These courses have certain requirements which an old student must meet in order to qualify for admission. The basic qualification requirements are as follows:

Dhamma service on long courses

Dhamma service on long courses is open to old students who are committed to this technique of Vipassana meditation, who have successfully completed three 10-day Vipassana courses in this tradition, who have served one 10-day course, who practice two hours a day and maintain the five precepts.
Click here for more information.

1-Day or 3-Day Old Student Course

  • Completion of at least one 10-Day course with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers.
  • Those practicing energetic healing on others should not attend.
  • Should be keeping all precepts to the best of one's ability.

Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course

  • Completion of at least three 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers.
  • Practicing this technique for at least one year.
  • Have not practiced any other techniques since your last course with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers.
  • Trying to maintain daily practice.
  • Trying to maintain five precepts in daily life and must be keeping 3rd precept (abstaining from sexual misconduct) and 5th precept (abstaining from intoxicants) from time of registration for course.

Old-Students-Only 10-Day Course

Only to be held at centres where individual cells are available.
Instructions & discourses are the same as regular 10-Day course.

  • Completion of at least three 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers.
  • Have not practiced any other techniques since last course with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers. 
  • Trying to maintain daily practice.
  • Should be keeping five precepts to the best of one’s ability and strictly keeping 3rd precept (abstaining from sexual misconduct) and 5th precept (abstaining from intoxicants) from time of registration for course.
  • Completion of at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course.

Special 10-Day Course for Old Students

  • Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique.
  • Completion of at least five 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers.
  • Completion of at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course.
  • Must have served on a 10-Day course.
  • Maintenance of daily practice of two hours per day for at least 2 years.
  • Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum.

20-Day Course

  • Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique. 
  • Completion of at least five 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers.
  • Completion of at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course.
  • Must have served on a 10-Day course.
  • Maintenance of daily practice of two hours per day for at least 2 years.
  • Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum.
  • At least six months gap since last sat a long course.
  • 10 day interval between long course and any other course.
  • Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course.

30-Day Course

  • Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique.
  • Completion of at least six 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers (one to be completed after the first 20-Day course).
  • Completion of at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course.
  • Completion of at least one 20-Day Course.
  • For first 30-Day course, at least one regular 10-Day course must have been sat after first 20-Day course.
  • Served at least one 10-Day Course.
  • Maintenance of daily practice of two hours daily for at least 2 years.
  • Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum.
  • At least six months gap since last sat a long course.
  • 10 day interval between long course and any other course.
  • Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course.

45-Day Course

  • Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique.
  • Restricted to ATs and those involved with Dhamma service.
  • Completion of at least seven 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers (one to be completed after 30-Day course).
  • Practice this technique for at least 3 years.
  • Completion of at least two 30-Day Courses.
  • Maintenance of daily practice of two hours per day for at least 2 years.
  • Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum.
  • At least six months gap since last sat a long course.
  • 10 day interval between long course and any other course.
  • Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course.
  • For first 45-Day course at least one regular 10-Day course completed after 30-Day.
  • All confirmations provisional until day 30.

60-Day Course

  • 60-day course is reserved for ATs who have sat two 45-day courses and give regular Dhamma Service (i.e., those who have conducted at least 4 ten day courses in last year or are serving regularly in other capacity).
  • Recommendation from the area teacher is essential.
  • Preference for admissions also will be given to those who have not previously sat a 60 day course or have sat fewer 60 day courses.
  • Non-ATs should sit other long courses.

Gratitude Course

  • Must be a serious old student who is making a significant contribution to the spread of Dhamma.
  • Must be practising Vipassana exclusively (not practising any other meditation techniques).
  • Must be trying to maintain a daily practice of two hours per day, at least from the moment of application.
  • Must be trying to maintain Sila in daily life.
  • Must have sat at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course.
  • Must have local Teachers' recommendation.
  • Priority will be given to those who have not sat a Gratitude course before.